Wednesday, 7 January 2015

So it's a new year, and the "new year new me" frenzy is waning slightly,

but I'm still the same old me that I was in 2014. Probably all 2013 too.
Apologies for skipping the Christmas and year-end posts but I've been busy and well.....

Anyway. Woke up this Morning to Excelsior's latest blogpost: A Tale of an Appropriate Misnomer. Let's see if I can reproduce the paragraph about me:

Next was a certain kohai, -kohai, as you may or may not know is a japanese honorific which refers to anyone at a lower stage in an establishment, the opposite, then of the more popular -sempai honorific, basically, in this case, it meant underclassman. AKA a certain former jailbait in another post, so named because she had come to sixth form before the age of consent (which is 16 in Jamaica). This girl was the friend I needed in Upper Six, even though the was a Lower Sixer. The little enjoyment I got from my last year at that freaking school was because of her, and I'm eternally grateful. Eternally. Another awesome individual...

Yeah. I did, in fact, start Chesta at 15. The number of jokes that were made because of that though.........
TBH these kid jokes get to 17-year-old me sometimes but bleh.

Anyway. he says I'm the friend he needed in upper sixth, even though I was the kohai to his sempai, for which he is "eternally grateful. Eternally."

Friendship is as friendship does. If I helped make his last year of Chesta bearable, well..he was my lower sixth year.

He made Carib "class" bearable. and believe me when I say he did the impossible. The words "Carib" and "bearable" don't belong in the same sentence unless there's a "not" separating them.
even his laptop, his very laptop, was a better friend to me than quite a few of these humans I hang with. I wonder if it still remembers my FB and Twitter passwords......

But I mean, really. I think if you want a certain type of friend, you should first be that type of friend to others. That's basically all I did with Excelsior. I wanted a fun, chill, yet serious friend, someone I could have an intelligent conversation with, express feelings when needs be, goof off with as necessary (I think my selfies are still on his laptop) and of course skip class I became that for him.
Yes, I believe in being "all things to all men." I do adhere to some Biblical tenets.

Ayy now I've figured out where this post is going. I'll be rambling on and on and on about my favorite people and why they're my favorite people. Here goes.

My Favorite People in the Whole Wide World (excuse me while I indulge my inner 10-year-old)

Jav-- He is my best friend. Like, BEST BEST friend. I flirt with Jav, run joke wid Jav, (figuratively) bawl on his shoulder, vent/rant to him, have some wickedly feelings-esque conversations with him, stay up late just to talk to him, go on FB/WhatsApp as soon as I'm up just to hail him, et cetera. Almost every screenshotted (screenshot?) convo I have involves us running some wicked funny joke. I can't even keep the FB convos cuz God knows....... He's one of my favorite people because I couldn't have found a better friend if I'd looked. 
You's my MVP hun ^.^

JL-- This yute that attends my church (or I attend his church since he's been there longer). He is adorable!!!! (He may not know it's him so... I'm talking about you, my Big-Head Lightskin XD)
We run joke, talk school stuff, hug.........
This 6-foot-whatever guy and 5-foot-2 me (plus 4/5 inches in heels, God bless them) are forever hugging. He's my favorite hug buddy. No, seriously. His hugs are worth my hunting him down every Sunday just for the hug and lift-up-and-squeeze-and-spin. Believe me. They are.
He's one of my favorite people because: 1. hugs, 2. good listener, 3. baaaaaaaaaaaay joke when we text.
Love you lots and lots, my Big Head Lightskin :*

Crackers lover.
Pun lover.
 his nickname on this blog is actually based on his Twitter handle, his love of crackers, the name of one of his blogs, and the Latin meaning.
Great taste in music.
Great taste in books.
Overall great person.
  A we seh #FuckCarib, always and forever!

A certain smartguy (new character, we've been friends for like 11 or 12 years)-- You can never be around this guy and not be DWLing (or DingWL if you want to be a grammar Nazi). He's one of the main reasons I attend Physics and Math class.
 #Squad #FightingSpirit #HotNigga #TooSexyForThisShit

Iceburg-- In some ways he's my direct opposite (tall black yute as opposed to short brown girl, for starters), but in many ways we're alike. Chat NUFF but fun. Chill as hell (haha oxymoron)

Mrs B(io teacher)-- my big sis, my she-Jav, she's just chill. I fail her subject like mad though.

Indian gal (other new character, my best female friend)-- mad rass! Most of my screenshots go to her for the extra DWRCL factor. Like that last one.....hi-la-rious.

If any of you guys want to carry feelings that this list is in order and you mightn't be at the top, tough shit. Be grateful you're even on the list at all. Cho.

But I love all y'all though :)
Because I am well aware of the fact that

But still.

You guys are, and always will be, my MVPs.

Currently sleepy as hell,

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