Thursday, 27 February 2014

The Song of Invisibility

I try to hold the melody
But my voice always imperceptibly cracks
I can sing, but.... I can't sing.
Do you understand?
I can't.

But I sing as honestly as possible.
Which is why I only sing sad songs.
I am sad. depressed.
That's the sad truth.

I sing with a smile on my face
I sing, all the while watching the faces of the audience
Those poker faces in the audience
My voice trips a little over the high note
But I sing on.

My voice shakes as it rises again.
Quietly at first, then growing in volume
But never full-throated...
My self-esteem isn't that high.
It shakes, as if it's cold.
As if I hadn't warmed up 5 minutes before I began.

I finish the song.
No expressions on the faces in the crowd.
Almost as if I was never there in the first place....

No one sees me.
No one cares about the fact that there was a girl there who wanted, needed, their recognition.
Does it matter to them? No.

Nowadays when I sing, it's to myself
Where no one can hear
Where no one notices me anyway

I remain, for the rest of my life
16 years

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