Thursday, 5 February 2015

The dictionary defines a masochist as one who enjoys pain, and

I'm starting to think I'm one of those people.

No, I'm not about to enter a BDSM relationship a la 50 Shades of Grey. I'm not into that particular kinky fuckery.

I'm talking about the Jordanian pilot ISIS incinerated like ever so much garbage.
Yes, I watched 3 videos wherein they beheaded journalists, and I barely managed to not bawl. The post is here still, I just can't bother linking to it right now. Sorry.

But I watched the one where they burnt the pilot alive.
And.....I had to bawl tears. If you've been with me on this blog from early, you'll have figured out that I don't cry much/easily. But this time? This time I couldn't not emote in some way.

For those of you who didn't see it or hear about it, because you live in a cave under the sea somewhere, allow me to summarize what happened.

  • They beat him up, cuz he was "defiant"
  • They doused him in gas
  • They put him in a metal cage, about 8 feet by 6, and put kindling in there and gassed it too
  • They put a rope leading to the cage and gassed that too
  • They set the rope on fire. Which burned steadily until it reached the cage, then the inferno just....

Now, I went on Wikipedia (most unreliable source ever) this morning and researched how does burning alive kill you. It ain't quick, homey.

It pretty much kills you when it melts your internal organs.
How long does that take? A while.

I also read that Muslims don't burn their people. 
So to them who are calling them a Muslim militant group..... ya might wanna rethink that epithet, son.

And then, with my masochistic little self, I went  looking for their Twitter....thank God I didn't find it though >.<

Are they really human though? Can they really really be human and do something like that to their fellow human?

I can't say anything more.
If this is what humans are going to evolve (or really devolve) into, kill me from now. Just make it quick. One bullet between the eyes is good enough.

Highly disturbed,

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