My views on religion are, it seems, unique. I haven't spoken to or read about anyone else with these views or even anything remotely similar. Except Jav. He's special.
Yes Jav. Skin teet galang. You are spesh. :*
DISCLAIMER: If you's the gullible type, getting slung round by any breeze that blows, read no further. If you decide to read on, I take no responsibility for you suddenyl questioning your beliefs. OK? Moving on.
Religion is vital to society. Let me just admit that right off the bat. The laws of every country are based on religious teachings, especially the 10 commandments.Religion is what prevents anarchy, because, as my grandma likes to say, "Rule dung a hell" and what is society compared to hell?
Religion is indispensable. Everyone's morals are religion-based. Even atheists'. Even mine.
"I can't kill someone, my conscience would murder me." I draw your attention to the commandment which states Thou shalt not kill. Conclusions? Form your own.
But it's this same un-do-without-ability of religion that makes me think of it as some world-class brainwashing. I'm talking some high-quality, first-class second-to-none brainscrubbing. Look at the Muslims, especially those guys in ISIS (who frankly terrify me). They were taught all their lives that the rest of us are infidels who should be eradicated because we don't praise Allah.
But then don't Jews and Christians teach their kids a different wording of the same idea??
Anyway. You gotta spread the subliminal idea of "There's a man/woman/men/women upstairs who's watching you, and will punish you severely if you disobey these laws we've set out for you to follow" to keep everyone docile and obedient. Fear is an excellent way to keep peace and order, y'know. There's a reason dictators rule by fear.
Conveniently, no one has ever truly seen this deity. Said deity is allegedly away up yonder, in a land where only the dead can travel to... but the dead tell no tales, remember?
Notice I've been careful to talk only about religion. That's because this is a very controversial topic and I'm well aware that a few of my readers are, for lack of a better word, Jesus-freaks. Show them a different perspective (or try to, anyway) and they're ready to fly down your throat for their Lord.
So I'm not gonna say a single thing about God. I did, in my very first post on this blog entitled Deus and I will say no more, 'less dem try fly dung my throat and dem a nuh crackers suh is bare problem that woulda be.
I dunno. See, I'm the type of person who questions things. Everything.
If we talk on a certain level, you'll realize that my questions invariably start with "Why" or "How" or "What if".
I've got an investigative/analytical mind. Meaning I think like a scientist. I ask questions, formulate hypotheses, experiment and draw conclusions. So if I ask "Does God exist?" I'm gonna need tangible proof that either S/He does or not. And I have none.
Naturally, my first reaction is to not believe. But then I'm from a family of staunch religionists and so have been churchified for 17 years. That refuses to be discounted, so I find that I neither affirm nor deny the existence of God.
I'm trying to word this in such a way that I don't blaspheme. Theophobia and all...
But yeah. A few years ago, there was this rumor spread around my friends that "Fuck, she nuh believe inna God, dawg!" and of course the ostracism began to pile up. [See? Brainwashing.] It took months for me to convince them that "I don't not believe. I also don't believe." which, to this day, earns me strange looks.
Combating brainwashing is hard. Just so you know.
But I don't care. I must be me at all costs.
I once called myself an agnostic, and I guess in a way I am, but I've realized that I don't fit into any one clear-cut category belief-wise.
There's rules and exceptions in everything, and if you're the rule and I'm the exception then... suh life guh. C'est la vie.
Except I hate having unanswered questions, especially one like this, because it has me living in a vacuum, and c'est most definitely cannot be la vie ('scuse the mangled French) because Nature itself abhors a vaccum, which has been proved.
Life most definitely cannot guh suh.
Challenge completed.
Going against the grain of grains,
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